


Okay. This is nothing new but I accidently discovered his videos on YouTube, and all I can say is just; WOW amazing! I really appreciate his style of rocking the keyboard and the music is great. Here you can listen to the track he's playing in a better quality.

Electricity is Awesome


Facts About Bottled Water

Is it really that bad? When I was a kid, we always drank a lot of coke and other soft drinks almost everyday. Nowadays I prefer sparkling water to everything. Good thing is: I can eat / drink what I want, I wont get fat but it'd be unhealthy though.

That's Fucking Insane

Probably most of us know that cleaning up raw oil, without protection gear will seriously shorten your lifetime. But... our world is cruel and nobody seems to give a fuck.

Don't forget to treasure up all your bottle cups, your children will need them for a better future.



Well, I want to learn to play the keyboard, but my ring- and pinky fingers fuck around. Pretty nasty to have almost zero neurological connections.


Bright Water

Tristram Theme

Diablo II was one of my favorite games, really loved it. The OST was great and this is probably one of the most amazing guitar tracks I've ever heard. Matt Uelmen did a great job! Can't wait to listen to the Diablo III OST.

Black Mesa Source

Today I'd like to point my finger on the Black Mesa Source modification, wich is still under developement.

Black Mesa is a complete re-creation of the game Half-Life, utilizing the Source engine. Black Mesa will let you re-visit the world that started the Half-Life continuum.

I'm really looking forward to it. Overall it looks superior and I can just imagine how much hard work and heart's blood the developers put into it so far.


Bunny Smasher

Lagoa Multiphysics 1.0 - Teaser from Thiago Costa on Vimeo.

This demonstration shows what this physics engine is capable of. Really interesting!

Everyone likes Chess

Dear reader, if you are one of the people who likes to play chess, but actually had no opertunity to play a game since years. Then you're might be interested in visiting Lichess and play a game with your friends. It's free and easy. No annoying registration needed.

I Believe I can Fly

I hope that everyone has at least a decent day.


That thing looks so bizzare and chaotic. :]


Alien Swarm - Free Download [Steam]

Just read that Alien Swarm is for free via Steam. It's a up to 4 player 3rd person co-op action game.
Anyways, check out the above link for all the details. I'll download it myself now.


Oh my god, this looks so delicious! Why wont the corrupt food industry bring such specials to the western world? Anyways, maybe some of you have noticed that some large fastfood chains like McDonalds already serve special menus in different parts of the world.

By this occasion I also should mention the documentary called "Supersize Me (2004)"
"While examining the influence of the fast food industry, Morgan Spurlock personally explores the consequences on his health of a diet of solely McDonald's food for one month."

Be Prepared...

Can not be unseen...

Alternative Art
